Xlr8rs launched "NEARBY U"
To ease the lifestyle of its people in Giridih the team of xlr8rs have devised a website called "NearbyU'' which aims to provide all the required information regarding stores in the city at a single platform. In this ongoing pandemic vulnerability to virus is at its peak so, xlr8rs foremost concern is to avoid/ minimise the possible contact so as to prevent wandering in a search of stocks one just need to click on this portal and discover the shops currently operating in this pandemic.
ARCI forged an eco-friendly Supercapacitor Electrode by transforming cotton (trash)
Scientists at the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), have thrived to invent an eco-friendly, economical Supercapacitor Electrode which stands as an excellent example of ingenious science, integrated waste management and sustainable process.
Researchers of ACRI, which is an autonomous organization of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India has utilized the industrial waste cotton to metamorphose into a porous cotton fibre, by an activation process which can be used to make high-performance electrodes in Supercapacitors.
Supercapacitors are energy storage devices with advantages of high power density, ultra charging and long durability as compared to other conventional capacitors like lithium-ion batteries(LIB).
Broadly, Supercapacitors consist of four parts - the electrolyte, electrodes, separator and the current collector. Among these the electrolyte and electrodes are the focal components ascertaining the electrochemical nature of Supercapacitors.
The simple and sustainable supercapacitor developed shows excellent potential for practical implementation as energy storage in self-powered devices using solar cells.They explored natural seawater as an environment-friendly, cost-effective and scalable substitute for the existing aqueous-based electrolytes. Also, they account for the major section of the device manufacturing cost.
Amid the surging cases of COVID-19, the safety of our front line warriors has been a challenge. So, in the 'need of the hour', the team of researchers from Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar in collaboration with the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh have devised an ingenious machine, the two autonomous vehicles, which will avert the frontline workers from infection. Solar cell with Supercapacitors to be used as an energy harvester storage device. This has enabled us to convert trash (cotton) into treasure (the fabric cotton being used as electrodes).
IIT Ropar devised two vehicles to minimize workers' contact with COVID-patients in hospitals.
Amid the surging cases of COVID-19, the safety of our frontline warriors has been a challenge. So, in the 'need of the hour', the team of researchers from Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar in collaboration with the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh have devised an ingenious machine, the two autonomous vehicles which will avert the frontline workers from infection.
The two autonomous vehicles include a medical drone named 'Medi Sarathi' and an AI-powered Trolley in which the drone is attached. The drone has the potential of carrying a load up to 3kgs. And can be handled within the radius of 3 km. Artificial Intelligence-powered trolleys can be stationed autonomously in areas which are more prone to infection zones so as to transfer essential supplies to COVID positive patients. The uniqueness of the trolley lies in its capability to detect an obstruction, medical personnel movement, etc.
The motive of these two autonomous machines is to minimise the contact of COVID+ ward workers from the novel virus.
Triple IT launch a software to detect Coronavirus
Amid this pandemic, the need for an economical coronavirus detect is of utmost importance. So, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhagalpur, has created a software that can diagnose the patient by reading the X-ray film or city scan and tell whether the patient is in the grip of virus or not. Authorities elucidated that the software can read the scanned digital chest X-ray film of the person and is potent to upload the diagnosis on computer within a second. In comparison to traditional swab test method which cost Rs.3000 - 5000, this software detection will hardly cost up to Rs.100.
The software was also sent to the Ministry of Health who entrusted the responsibility of examining the efficiency of this software to Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
The director of IIIT,announces that ICMR and AIIMSDelhii had scrutinized the X-ray and city-scan report and found it cent-per cent successful.